Today's a weird one, inspirationally speaking. I had some vague ideas about wanting in my next pair of mask sketches to explore the ideas of suggested hairlines along the top edge, and whether incorporation of upper teeth could work. I also wanted some definite specific faces to influence the structure of the features.
I think it's fairly clear that the mask on the left was based on a young Billy Idol's iconic sneering expression and widow's peak. The mask on the right is a bit more obscure: it's modeled on Steve Buscemi with his buggy eyes and thin upper lip and receding-pattern hairline.
I'm happier with Steve as a general Commedia mask design--if you know it's based on him, maybe you kinda see it, but he could be any older character of whatever gender and could display a range of emotions; Billy is clearly and obviously Billy to me (does that make me old?) and less versatile of a mask. I am pretty sure i don't like teeth on character masks that aren't of the stupidity-as-comic-relief zanni variety, but i'm willing to be persuaded otherwise if any of y'all feel differently on that topic.
I know i'm really busting them out right now in terms of not taking much downtime between sketch posts; i'm trying to build up a cushion because i'm headed out of town on Friday for a book release party, then a family visit, then the SPESA EXPO 2010, so i'll be incommunicado for nearly a week.
SPESA proves to be pretty exciting--it's the Sewn Products Equipment and Suppliers of the Americas exposition, and will have miles upon miles of industrial sewing equipment demos, fabric and trim vendors, production companies and dye services, printers, mills, software developers, you name it! I've never been before, and am very excited to attend this one. I'll be reporting on it over in La Bricoleuse, which you can now like on Facebook if that's how you prefer to aggregate your blog consumption.
I like the second mask BEST because it makes me think of the LONE RANGER. As he rides away, someone always said: "Who was that masked man?" Someone always replied: "You don't know? Why he'e the Lone Ranger!" Then you hear: "Hi Oh, Silver...away!"