This may be my last one for a while, since as soon as i post this, i'm off to parts west for vacation and the SPESA Expo. I'm taking my sketchbook and pastels with me, as i'm hoping to finish preliminary sketching by Wednesday so i can start the maquette sculpting of whatever the final mask designs wind up being. I don't know whether i'll have time to photograph and write up any sketches i do between now and then though. We'll see.
These two masks are the Young Lovers. I'd been putting off doing them because i find the idea of their expressions hard to conceptualize--they need to be sort of blank slates, so the performers can indicate a huge range of emotions, and they need to be young looking, attractive-looking, perhaps innocent even.
For my own part, i also wanted their features and face-shapes to be as neutral as possible, so they could be worn by performers of any ethnicity or body-type without a disbelief-suspension issue of say, a mask with extremely bony features on a stocky or curvaceous performer.
I've seen a lot of these Young Lovers masks with the dimensional swirls on the cheeks, and i love that element so i retained it in mine. I also decided to employ a lip shape that feels more childlike than the angular peaked cupid's-bow lip shapes in many of my other mask sketches.
I am fairly certain these are two of the ones we'll actually be making; i'm considering hosting a poll over in La Bricoleuse to vote on the other mask styles, once i'm done sketching. That might be a fun way to bring some more community involvement into this project, soliciting input on the final grouping.
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