Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Eric Sketch #3: Jan 6

I kept with Wiley and the Hairy Man for tonight's sketch. Here is my version of Wiley's mother, Mammy. She is the best conjure woman in the whole of the southwest county. Because of her learnin' Wiley to conjurize, the young boy is able to escape the Hairy Man for awhile.
Unlike my dear friend Kyle, I have had a HORRIBLE time drawing women. It's not nearly as bad as it was, but it was a running gag throughout grad school that I had no idea what a woman must look like. Some friends even offered to buy me a subscription to Playboy. Luckily, they didn't (although they did buy me a female artist's model for my 26th birthday).

1 comment:

  1. if you need ideas, I think you should try to draw ballet dancers! Course I know that's not the type of costuming you do... but i'd love to see how you could do it!
