Monday, January 4, 2010

Starting This Off...

So, I made it my New Year's resolution to further my drawing by practicing more often. I really love drawing, but I'm quite lazy about making myself do it, now that grad school is a piece of paper hanging on my studio wall. In sharing this idea with Jen Caprio, we decided to take the challenge together, just to make ourselves more accountable.

Now that's what this blog is going to be about. Each weekday, we're going to do a sketch and post it. So far, we haven't established any rules, but generally speaking, it should be more than a doodle on a napkin. If we are doing drawing in conjunction with work, that counts.

We're also recruiting more friends who might be willing to join us. After all, more ideas are better than fewer, and I have many, many, MANY talented friends. Just leave a comment here if you too would like to make the commitment.

Even though I'm personally notorious for starting things and not finishing them, I do hope that I can make this one stick. Here's to 2010: a creative and productive year for all!

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