Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kyle 1/8/10

I made it! Didn't think I was going was date night (first night out in a while!). Well, I kinda made it. I finished today's sketch 5 minutes after midnight. I guess all I can do is try.
Over the past year I have become obsessed with reading historical biographies of British Queens (random, I know), especially ones written by Alison Weir. She writes about these women so well and gives such life to a subject that could turn out really dry and boring. But I digress...I just finished a book about Queen Isabella of England. She was an amazing woman who deposed her husband Edward II and served as Regent for her young son. This book was not as full of clothing detail as her books on the Tudor monarchs, but she does mention that Isabella was the woman who introduced the sideless surcoat to England from her native France. I've always fond this garment to be beautifully simple, feminine (especially in a period where everyone, female and male wore long T-tunics that looked like dresses) and quite glamorous the way the drape of the skirt falls loosely from the hip and trails on the ground.

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