Monday, January 11, 2010

Eric Sketch #6: Jan 11

Sketchydesigners GOES POLITICAL!!

This drawing is simply inspired by my wonderful husband, Layne. Tonight he learned that Sarah Palin will become a Fox News Correspondent, and nothing could have ruined his Monday more effectively. Not that he ever watches Fox News, but it's not hard to imagine that the other news stations will be commenting on her commenting. So in honor of Layne, I present Sarah Palin, the Fox Devil.

One of the things I want to work on through this blog is my ability to draw a face that looks like a specific face. I can draw a generic face (usually only in full-front), but I can't normally make a face look like someone. I spent so much time on Sarah's face that it lost its proportion to the figure (and I ran out of room on the page), since I realized the face in full before I even started sketching her body. One of the best drawing tips I ever received was to draw the entire body simultaneously. In other words, bring out the full detail universally, before affixing a single point. Clearly I should have followed that advice.

And just for the record, the drawing fulfilled its purpose: Layne laughed.


  1. Layne laughed, I laughed, we all laughed!! The best part is that I actually saw Sarah Palin (the Wicked Witch of the Frozen North) before I read a single word...

  2. Yeah!!! Laughter at the expense of others!!!

  3. i can't believe people are giving her a spot on TV ... wait, it's fox.... yeah i can.
