Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kyle 1/19/10

Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton!

Out of all three suitors to Anne Page in Merry Wives, Fenton is the one that Anne loves. He's kind of a weird character in that, as an audience member, you love him too, but you also hate him. We find out that Fenton loves Anne too, but he started loving her because of her family's money, and then grew to love her as a woman as he got to know her. Boys are stupid.

To make it short, he's a hard guy to figure out. We know that Master and Mistress Page don't dislike him as a person, but think that, while he is well born, he is too poor to marry their daughter. In fact, Master Page believes, truthfully at first, that he only wants to get his hands on the Page's money.

Here's where it gets difficult. Is Fenton a "Rebel without a cause" or is he a nice, clean cut guy, all star quarterback kind of guy? My first impulse was bordering on "greaser" guy, but I don't want people to be thinking "Tell me about it, stud" the whole time. And then I went the other way. Its tough. I'm starting to think that he's a little mixture of both worlds. Beginning the play in the letter sweater, jeans and tee-shirt, and then later remove the sweater and add a James Deans-esque jacket, and then, for the end where he escapes with Anne to get married, he wears a smart suit of some sort. Could work.

I tried to loosen up a bit with these drawings and do them a little more quickly. Not really sure if I doing them faster helped or even makes a difference. My past sketches didn't take me all that long to get down on paper, and then its just a few minutes on details and shading...egh...whatever.

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was a "like" button for blogspot-but seriously-I totally get the impulse to want to draw more detail if it doesn't take that much longer. It's something I struggle with because I know it doesn't take much longer but I tend to err on the side of simpler because I'm a little lazy that way.
