Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Eric Presents Sandra Oh-Hara

Kyle, ask and you shall receive.

I consider myself a very fortunate young designer, for the amount of shows I'm getting to design currently. So, I'm quite happy to be doing sketches that are just pure fun for me. This one was no exception. Although I was pretty darn intimidated to draw something so iconic, I'm noticing that this project is allowing me to relax and just enjoy the process.

This is what I think is so hard in the drawing-learning process: just getting over your own insecurities and doing the work. I think many people think of drawing as something that God simply has bestowed on a privileged few. And while I do think that some are naturally adept at drawing (and I do not count myself as one), drawing is something that is accessible to everyone.

What I teach any student is that drawing is SEEING. So much of why I chose to do the celebrity project is to work on just that: seeing the contours of an individual face, studying identities, and seeing the differences in the billions of unique human combinations.

I hope that if you are a follower of the blog that you are also enjoying the process with Kyle and me. I'm going to keep asking, but if you are a regular reader, I'd love for you to contribute a sketch and introduce yourself.

I won't give up hope! I know someone will do it eventually!


  1. You just made me tinkle a little in m'panties!!!

  2. I am a regular reader who'd like to know more about how to contribute a sketch!

    I'm a former colleague of Kyle's from Utah Shakes (and, an alumna of his current employer, UT-Knoxville). The theatre i work for--PlayMakers Repertory Company at UNC-Chapel Hill--is pushing me to do more design work, which is cool but i've been production-only for a couple years and need to get back into sketching mode. So, your blog seems like it could be a great motivator!

    How would i go about contributing sketches? I do have a account (a placeholder for my actual blog) at so i think i'd be all set in that respect.

    Also, i just wanted to thank all three of you for starting this blog. It's a really cool concept and is such fun to follow, to see the drawing progress and the interesting design ideas and choices you all make!

  3. Hi Rachel. I sent you a permission to be an author, so you can contribute sketches. Welcome aboard!

  4. Excellent, thank you!

    I will make my first post today.

    Looking forward to participating in this blog!
