Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kyle 2/11/10

Children are hard to draw. I don't know if I've ever really drawn one successfully before. Their proportions are all messed up. Their heads are pretty much adult size but their bodies are like 4 0r 5 heads instead of 7 or 8.

William and Robin are the two named little kids in Merry Wives. William is the Page's little boy - a middle class family with some money - so he gets a fun play outfit. There is tons of research for kid's cowboy costumes. This one is red suede with white leather trim and some cute little boy boots. Robin is Falstaff's page (or sometimes called his son) - so he doesn't have the ability to get a fun cowboy costume - so he gets to be the Indian in the relationship. He's a little poor and dirty but William has lent him his feathered headband and bow and arrow set so they can mid-century.

Yesterday, I said that I might do two drawings tonight so I could finish up Merry Wives this week. As you can see, I did.

Rugby is the servant of Dr. Caius. I think of him as a young college guy, sort of an intern or assistant. He follows Caius around a lot. I didn't want him to be in a suit, but fresh and young, in a fun patterned sweater, some baggy chinos and some deck shoes. Finally, a man that's not in a suit.

One drawing left for tomorrow and then on to a new project and new surprises (check back to see all the fun we'll have)!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so darn good about keeping up with the blog. I just wish I could get out of this sleepy funk and stop going to bed at 9 PM!
