Monday, February 1, 2010

Eric Sketch #18: Feb 1

My meeting with the director went really well last Friday. We're on the right track with the clothes, with a couple of changes in mind. This sketch is one of the changes. We wanted to push MC Dog into more of a showman, older, and presentational silhouette. I think this is more on target (even though the sketch has a GIANT head).

Plus, and Jen will appreciate this, I take any opportunity I can to make jaunty, miniature top hats and neckties out of fur.

I have one more sketch to re-imagine, a couple of detail accessories to finalize and then I've got the show sketched! High-ho, color, away!


  1. I love tiny jaunty fur top hats....

  2. lol I have been reading Wonka (the book) and was thinking about how fun it would be for Wonka to have a tiny top they talk about his stinkin' top hat a lot....and then you go and put one on MC dog...Get out of my head Abele!
